
About Us

The digital revolution brings with it many fantastic opportunities for learning and creating, as well as challenges and risks. We believe that learning to code gives children the tools they need to navigate the new digital world. As we deliver the best curriculum, the best coaches, and international competitions, we work to provide the best stem education and introduce students to the digital world of coding and robotics since 2018.

STEM ZONE offers cutting-edge technology education programmes for students aged 6 to 18 years old, assisting them in learning and pursuing jobs in programming, graphics, artificial intelligence, We put an emphasis on student education to get them ready for an exciting digital future.

Empower kids with coding, No matter what kind of employment a young person wants to pursue, they all need to learn how to code. Coding is a new form of literacy. Our lessons turn tech-addicted children into inventive, engaged creators who express themselves through coding.

Our Teaching Philosophy

We believe in the importance of the teacher’s role, the support of the group and the power of real-time interaction to inspire kids’ creativity.


At STEM Zone , we believe that most young coders learn best in small groups, supported by their peers and guided by highly qualified and attentive teachers. We believe that live interaction with such teachers, and with fellow students, provides not only the content, but also the inspiration that kids need to leverage their innate ability to learn.


At STEM Zone the only prerequisite is motivation. We design our classes to leverage the diverse needs and interests of our learners. Every child is different; some prefer to listen first and explore later, others prefer to explore first. Some are interested in sports and others are into music, some are into math and others are into gaming. When we say that coding is for everyone, we mean that young people can learn to express themselves with code, based on their personal interest.


We believe that great coding teachers, especially for young children and teens, should be teachers first. They need to know how to communicate with kids in an appropriate way to provide motivation and to build confidence. Our teachers participate in a six-month course of training, where they deepen their understanding of coding, absorb our teaching values and learn the course plan. Only those who succeed in this training are permitted to teach a STEM Zone course.

STEM Zone Complying with SDGs

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all through improving the processes and quality of educational institutions and address the needs and expectations of those who seek technology education services.

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls in STEM fields, we aim to eliminate bias and promote parity through recommending technology education with a balanced mix of men and women to ensure both sexes are treated equally when it comes to technology education career opportunities.

How We Communicate with Parents

Parent-teacher meetings

A few lessons after the course starts, parents are invited to a parent-teacher meeting to get to know the teacher and familiarize themselves with the course content

Periodic progress messages

During the course, parents receive emails or WhatsApp messages updating them on class progress

Lesson reminders

Parents receive emails, SMS and WhatsApp messages notifying them about their child’s upcoming classes.

Absence alert email

When a child doesn't show up to class, their parent receives an email update, offering help if necessary